Get a Cardio Burn at Home With These Workouts

If you don't have access to a gym, you don't have to settle for lackluster workouts that leave you feeling as though you aren’t achieving your fitness goals. Instead, you can improve your fitness right at home with cardio-heavy routines that will get you in shape in no time!. This can save you time and money in the long-run and positive results if you stay consistent.
Get a Cardio Burn at Home With These Workouts

If you don't have access to a gym, you don't have to settle for lackluster workouts that leave you feeling as though you aren’t achieving your fitness goals. Instead, you can improve your fitness right at home with cardio-heavy routines that will get you in shape in no time!. This can save you time and money in the long-run and positive results if you stay consistent.

  1. High-Intensity Interval Training

High-intensity interval training, also known as HIIT, is one of the best cardio exercises to burn cardio. This type of workout consists of performing exercises in short, intense bursts with minimal rests in between. Sure to get your heart rate up quickly, a HIIT workout ensures that you stay quick on your feet. Luckily, you don't have to come up with a routine on your own. There are many videos online that you can follow along with on your phone, tablet, or TV. Be sure to check out places such as Youtube for free HIIT videos. Some Youtubers such as growingbananas or Heather Robertson offer these types of HIIT videos.  

  1. Stationary Bike Ride

At-home fitness equipment is really helpful when you want a tough cardio burn. Stationary bikes are especially popular right now and for good reason. Not only can you get a good workout in a short period of time, but you can participate in live, online rides with other enthusiasts or trainers, which can help you stay motivated to give it your all. If you want something else to distract yourself with try TV shows, podcasts, or books to help pass time and still get an efficient workout on your stationary bike.

  1. Dance Workouts

You can break a sweat and boost your mood at the same time with an at-home dance workout. There are different levels and different styles to fit your preference, the important part is to get you moving. The great thing about dance workouts is that they can be made low impact for those with injuries, and they're great for all ages. Plenty of Youtube videos and DVD’s offer excellent dance workout routines to be done at home at your own pace.

Check out Youtubers such as POPSUGAR Fitness or Zumba Class to find some great at home videos to use! 

Working out doesn't have to be difficult. Find out what at home techniques work for you and make sure to stay consistent. You're sure to get the burn you're looking for! For more ideas, contact us today.

While BRI Nutrition recommends regular exercise as part of a healthy lifestyle, be sure to check with your health provider before beginning a new exercise or diet routine, especially if you have any pre-existing or underlying health conditions.  The links provided in this article are for illustrative purposes only. BRI is not affiliated with - and does not endorse - any particular exercise program or trainer.